The Scribble Pad

Random, self-promoting thoughts by author Roslyn Carrington, aka Simona Taylor

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Location: Trinidad & Tobago

I write literary novels under my real name, Roslyn Carrington, and wayyy too hot Arabesque romance novels under the pen name Simona Taylor. I live in Trinidad with my partner, Rawle, and our toddlers, Riley and Megan. Ah, the pleasures and pressures of being parents to those two! There’s also my full-time Public Relations job, the aquarium full of albino sharks, the dog, the garden, the obsession with cooking (the more fattening the dish, the better), the addiction to the comic art by the likes of Keith Knight and Aaron McGruder, and the chocolate compulsion. I fill whatever time I have left dreaming about romance and writing.

Monday, December 04, 2006

The ugliest tree

We've got the ugliest Christmas tree in christendom. I let my 3 year old, Riley, decorate it this year, since it's the first time he's been aware of Christmas and all the trimmings. So I let him throw on everything but the kitchen sink. It went up on Saturday, and since then, it's had a dozen revisionings, with all the tinsel hanging at about three feet off the ground, stuffed toy ornaments roaming the house like the Roaming Gnome and the mercifully unbreakable ornaments being kicked around like footballs. I've got glitter dust in my bed.

I think this Christmas is going to be loads of fun, seeing it all through his eyes again. He's learning all the Carols, and lies in bed at night rehearsing his lines for the Christmas play on Thursday. He's the Wise man with the gold. His line? "I bring you gold." I can't wait.


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