The Scribble Pad

Random, self-promoting thoughts by author Roslyn Carrington, aka Simona Taylor

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Location: Trinidad & Tobago

I write literary novels under my real name, Roslyn Carrington, and wayyy too hot Arabesque romance novels under the pen name Simona Taylor. I live in Trinidad with my partner, Rawle, and our toddlers, Riley and Megan. Ah, the pleasures and pressures of being parents to those two! There’s also my full-time Public Relations job, the aquarium full of albino sharks, the dog, the garden, the obsession with cooking (the more fattening the dish, the better), the addiction to the comic art by the likes of Keith Knight and Aaron McGruder, and the chocolate compulsion. I fill whatever time I have left dreaming about romance and writing.

Monday, July 31, 2006


There's a scene in Postcards from the Edge where this little blonde bubblehead comments on how much she enjoys jogging...because of the endolphins. I can't get that word out of my head. And I've decided that it is imperative that I start exercising again - I haven't been on the treadmill in a month - if I am to haul my sorry ass out of this pit of self-pity I've fallen into. So I just did a light 25 minute canter on the thing. And guess what, I'm full of endolphins.

A terrible thing happened today that reminds me that no matter how down I am, at least everyone is healthy and happy in my family. Some woman in the news left her 9 month old twin grand-daughters in the care of A SIX YEAR OLD, and went to the doctor. The poor kid decided to give them BOTH a bath. The phone rings, she goes to answer it, and yes, you guessed it, they both drown. That's terrible on so many levels; part from the suffering of the babies, and the loss of the mother, who's abroad studying, and think of the kid. She's scarred for life. I even feel sorry for the Grandmother, as asinine as I think she was in leaving them. I know how frustrating it is to be caring for children and not even having a moment to attend to anything for yourself. My eyebrows look like shrubbery and my toenails look like fish scales, I haven't been able to go see about myself. Poor old woman, took a stupid chance, and look what happened.

It's things like that that remind me to thank God for all His blessings on my family. Something to remember next time I start feeling sorry for myself.


Blogger GoddessNoir said...

Wow, I hate to hear about things like that but you are right, it really helps one to put things into perspective.

Endolphins, lol, I'll have to remembr that one.

9:31 PM  

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