The Scribble Pad

Random, self-promoting thoughts by author Roslyn Carrington, aka Simona Taylor

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Location: Trinidad & Tobago

I write literary novels under my real name, Roslyn Carrington, and wayyy too hot Arabesque romance novels under the pen name Simona Taylor. I live in Trinidad with my partner, Rawle, and our toddlers, Riley and Megan. Ah, the pleasures and pressures of being parents to those two! There’s also my full-time Public Relations job, the aquarium full of albino sharks, the dog, the garden, the obsession with cooking (the more fattening the dish, the better), the addiction to the comic art by the likes of Keith Knight and Aaron McGruder, and the chocolate compulsion. I fill whatever time I have left dreaming about romance and writing.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A total babe!

Oh, man. It's a good thing I decided to be more positive in my posts, because I've got got tell you, I just met this total, total, proof-that-there-is-a-God babe. I mean, a blow-your-mind, can't stop staring at him, suck me into his universe babe!

Problem is, I can't tell you who he is, how I met him, of what he looks like, because if for some one in four hundred million chance he just happens to surf by here for no reason whatsoever, and recognises himself, I'll be so embarrassed I'd have to change my name, leave the country, and go live under a foreign rock.

Suffice it to say that he's got skin like coffee, perfect teeth, a smile like a Botticelli angel, enough testosterone to enrage a whole hive of killer bees, and eyes that make me want to forget I've got a husband and kids. If you want to know any more, you're just going to have to get my next book, because I can guarantee you that he's gonna be in there.

Ah, yes. God still loves me. My heart can still race and my body can still flush with a simple hello, and after two pregnancies in a row and all the resultant demands of momhood, it's good to remember that I'm still female and can still fall head over heels in like. And it's even better that this was a random, isolated, chance meeting that won't happen again so I can enjoy my hot little fantasy with impunity, knowing that my virtue is above suspicion.

Hooooha! It's good to be back!


Blogger Max and Me said...

you go girl! nothing wrong with looking! just passing through and found your blog...i like it very much! look forward to reading more of your thoughts.

7:16 PM  

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